Heart Stories: Exploration to Celebration with Vicky & Beth
Sunday, November 4, 2018 2-5pm in Wilton, CT. To register visit:
What is your story? How do you tell your story? How do we heal ourselves through the truth of who we are? Can we change the narrative to serve our lives and thrive? (Yes! Yes! Yes!)
We are all born into stories - stories about our conception, our history, about who we are supposed to become, about our parents and our families, about our world. Our history is simply our history. The stories that we tell about our history are mutable and shape who we are in this present moment and the choices we make going forward.
Change the narrative - Change your Life - through integrative movement, reflective writing, meditation, and creativity.
Vicky Cook ( and Beth Leas ( kept coming back to deep discussions about the truth of their life experiences; the way we see ourselves and portray a story for others is usually very different than how it is received or even the truth of it. They saw a need to re-frame the narrative for each other and now they would like to create space and offer it to you.
1st Tuesday of every month 7:30pm - 8:30pm @ Hello Yoga, 80 Old Ridgefield Rd, Wilton Center CT 06897 (entrance at back of building)
In my workshops, I de-mystify the practice and help students find a practice they can stick to as well as helping those with a practice to steep themselves even deeper. Making meditation easy and more spontaneous, think creating a practice you can enjoy, one that works in your life and enhances it!
Heart Stories Retreat for Women: Exploration - Discovery - Celebration!
Narragansett, RI (2 hour drive from Norwalk, CT)
May 2019 TBD (arrive Friday late afternoon/early evening - leave Sunday late morning)
with Me and Beth Leas
Join us at one of my favorite places as we explore our heart, our stories, our heart stories! Discover the treasures that we hold within and celebrate authentic expression!
All women welcome – regardless of previous experience with writing, yoga or meditation. Think radical self-care, support, love, play and discovery. Let transformation happen naturally through inquiry and self-love.
Get away from it all and back yourself – allowing time and space to find out who you are underneath the daily noise and hustle and bustle.
· Meditation
· Yoga
· Tarot Party
· Reflective Writing
· Healthy meals
· Evening Healing Circle
· Updated Victorian home within walking distance to water
· Local activities
Retreat Includes:
· Lodging in a beautiful updated Victorian home in Narragansset, RI
· All meals except Saturday lunch
Retreat fee: Early Bird Special - $495! ($595 after 6/15) Space is limited.